CASE is getting things done in Englewood!


  • CASE members are giving input and advice for the new Unified Development Code, to make sure new development in Englewood works for everyone and provides the right balance of housing availability and affordability, neighborhood character, green space, walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, and water-wise landscaping.

  • CASE gave input to improve the City’s Walk and Wheel Update, the master plan evaluating and prioritizing bike-friendly and pedestrian-friendly improvements through the City.

  • CASE spearheaded the new bipartisan state law to make it easier for communities to partner with electric utilities to put new walking and biking paths along transmission corridors, sponsored by Englewood’s State Senator Jeff Bridges.

  • CASE members were active in helping pass several other important pieces of legislation, including regarding recycling (HB22-1355), energy codes (HB22-1362), grants for local governments to pursue decarbonization projects (also HB22-1362), tax credits for clean and highly-efficient heat pumps and heat pump water heaters (SB22-051), incentives for ground source heat pumps (HB22-1381), and grants for improving housing affordability and encouraging transit-oriented development (HB22-1304). (Note: CASE is not a lobbying entity. We participate as individual citizens.)

  • We are continuing to volunteer time at the Trash Bash (monthly trash-pick-up in our community) picking up, on average, 15 large trash bags of refuse each month from our parks and streams.

  • CASE is in strong support of the City’s plan to replace all lead service lines in the city over the next decade, using a combination of low-interest loans and federal grants.

  • Come join us to see what else we’re up to this year!


  • CASE supported City Council’s plan to update and refresh the Keep Englewood Beautiful Commission into the new Sustainability Commission.

  • CASE suggested amendments, improvements, and additions to the city’s draft Sustainability Plan, a plug-in to the City’s Strategic Plan, based on feasibility, impact, and professional experience guiding sustainability plans in other metro area jurisdictions.

  • CASE successfully encouraged the City to adopt a Pollinator Proclamation, with strategies and goals for reducing herbicide and pesticide use and increasing native, pollinator-friendly plants.

  • CASE members helped pass a number of important pieces of state legislation, including bills related to plastics management (HB21-1162); higher utility rebates for clean, highly-efficient, and all-electric heating and cooling (SB21-246); air toxics (HB21-1189); better results from gas energy efficiency programs (HB21-1238), energy performance for buildings (HB21-1286), and lower climate emission from infrastructure projects (HB21-1303). (Note: CASE is not a lobbying entity. We participate as individual citizens.)

  • CASE representation provided regular public comment at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment; Air Quality Control Commission; Air Pollution Control Division; Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission; and the Colorado Public Utility Commission.

  • CASE members actively served on Englewood boards and commissions such as the Unified Development Code Steering Committee and the Single Trash Hauler Committee.

  • CASE members volunteered time at the Trash Bash (monthly trash-pick-up in our community) picking up, on average, 15 large trash bags of refuse each month.


  • CASE helped spearhead the planning and design of Depot Park, a pollinator-friendly demonstration garden in Englewood, and CASE helped plant the park with beautiful native low-water plants and flowers.

  • CASE members worked with the Historic Commission to strategize opportunities and options for reducing lead and asbestos getting into the surrounding environment (including into neighbors’ properties) when old homes are demolished.

  • CASE members volunteered time at the Trash Bash (monthly trash-pick-up in our community) picking up, on average, 15 large trash bags of refuse each month.


  • CASE worked with our State Rep. Meg Froelich to launch, support, and pass a new law in Colorado setting minimum energy- and water-saving standards for 15 different commercial and residential lighting fixtures. (Note: CASE is not a lobbying entity. We participate as individual citizens.)

  • CASE also helped pass a Colorado law improving local building energy codes, ensuring that new homes and buildings are efficient, healthy, and resilient. (Note: CASE is not a lobbying entity.)

  • CASE encouraged the City to move forward on studying single-hauler trash collection to improve air quality, road and alley wear and tear, noise, safety, and affordability. (UPDATE: Cost savings and other benefits were not compelling enough to proceed with a single-hauler trash system.)

  • CASE members volunteered time at the Trash Bash (monthly trash-pick-up in our community) picking up, on average, 15 large trash bags of refuse each month.


  • CASE convinced the City to purchase 40% of its municipal electricity needs from renewable sources through Xcel's Renewable Connect program at below market rates, lowering the City's municipal greenhouse gas emissions by 40% in 2018 AND saving the city money on its energy bills (read more about this in our blog post).

  • CASE volunteered at citywide events alongside CSU Extension and Xcel Energy to help increase awareness of efforts residents can take for saving energy at home.

  • CASE provided expertise to Englewood's E3 (Energy Efficient Englewood), in particular the action plans developed through Englewood’s Partners in Energy program.

  • CASE members volunteered time at the Trash Bash (monthly trash-pick-up in our community) picking up, on average, 15 large trash bags of refuse each month.


  • CASE worked with the City of Englewood to calculate the City's current baseline greenhouse gas emission levels.

  • CASE helped convince Englewood City Council to proceed with a plan to recapture otherwise-wasted and flared biogas from South Platte Renew, our wastewater treatment plant, and convert it into a useable energy source. This project is avoiding the equivalent of 2,000 gallons of gasoline per day and over 13.5 million gas-fueled passenger vehicle miles per year, eliminating 5,000 metric tons of carbon emissions per year.

  • CASE helped get a "Sustainable Natural Environment" added to one of the goals included in Englewood's strategic plan.

More to come...

We've only just started our mission since forming in early 2017. We have continuing plans to work with City Council to achieve our goals of a sustainable and healthy Englewood. We also look forward to spreading the word to our citizens to help educate them on the personal and global benefits of sustainability.